Health & Safety

A commitment to safety and sustainability is the foundation our company was built on. This includes our employees, our contractors, and the public. We’ve been COR certified for 30 years, and are proud members of the Partners in Injury Reduction Program through the Alberta Construction Safety Association and Alberta Employment.

From the front office to our field crews, safety goes beyond regulation and is a fundamental component of our corporate culture. We use Digital Analogue Training Software, providing industry-leading safety monitoring techniques, which evolves with our industry, technology and regulatory changes.

Safety is one of the foundations that KLS has been built on. We believe that the safety of our employees, other contractors and the general public is paramount.

KLS Earthworks has held a valid Certificate of Recognition (C.O.R.) since 1995 and is a member of the Partners in Injury Reduction Program through the Alberta Construction Safety Association and Alberta Employment. This certificate confirms that KLS’s safety program has been rigorously inspected by an independent auditor and meets or exceeds Workplace Health and Safety standards, the Alberta Construction Safety Association and the Government of Alberta.

The KLS Safety Program is continually evolving to ensure that we remain a leader in our industry. We use Digital Analogue Training Software, providing industry leading safety monitoring techniques. We recognize that while legislation and codes are vital, safety goes beyond regulation and is a fundamental component of corporate culture. Our management and safety departments work closely with field crews to ensure that safety practices are understood and followed. We understand that a safety program must evolve with our industry, technology and regulatory changes.

KLS Management is fully committed to protecting employees from harm in the workplace. Not only is this a prime policy but it is bolstered by the strong on site presence that is part of the KLS culture.

Inspections are required to be done by all management staff to encourage site visits so that fresh perspectives can be introduced to ensure safety. This enables workers, supervisors and management to communicate on a regular basis which is vital to the program.

Prior to work commencing on a new job site an 18-page pre-job hazard assessment takes place in order to fully categorize all potential hazards that could arise over the length of the job.

The hazards are rated on Severity, Probability and Degree of Risk. A pre-job meeting then takes place to review the hazards with all KLS employees on that job and the attendance is recorded.

Our policy will be used for extended trips that are greater than 200 km from last location, or when our workers are travelling in highly risky situations (ice roads, extremely remote sites, etc.).

Vehicles must be driven courteously and in accordance with current highway and traffic regulations.

Toolbox Meetings take place weekly and are composed of hazards or things of note from the site as well as a toolbox topic selected by the Healthy and Safety Manager based on trends noted from the previous week.

These Toolbox Meetings are recorded electronically in the database and a printed report can be generated at a moment’s notice. A radio Toolbox is done every week on the two channels dedicated for KLS use. There are two-way radios in all equipment and trucks to ensure that the message is passed on.

Our hazard assessment is a two-page document which covers 6 different areas of concern on a general basis then breaks the concerns down into individual tasks and the associated hazards.

To further enhance the document the hazard controls are provided on the sheet along with the Safe Work Practice or Safe Job Procedure directly indicated from the company Safety Manual.

Our supervisors undergo an annual review of their safety courses, with recertifications or new courses completed as needed to ensure they can perform their duties to the highest standards.

Supervisors will possess the skills necessary to assess the abilities, strengths, and areas for improvement of their team members, and provide recommendations for updated training accordingly.

KLS has a definitive Environmental Management Program which clearly outlines the requirements for handling Hazardous materials.

From transportation and the Alberta Environment Manifest System to Storage, Reuse, Recycling, Disposal and Landfill and Emergency Equipment.

All hazardous waste must be clearly identified to understand its handling concerns in accordance with legislative requirements. It must be stored in appropriate containers and must have a Safe Job Procedure specific to it. The Safe Job Procedure will refer to the MSDS out lining the proper PPE required for the waste.

Protecting our natural environment is everyone’s concern. KLS Earthworks shares that concern and is committed to minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment while managing our operations economically and efficiently.

We take responsibility in upholding this commitment by:

  • Complying with applicable environmental law, industry standards, legislation and our own policies.
  • Making environmental considerations to conserve resources and prevent pollution as an integral part of our planning process.
  • Operating our vehicles and facilities in a manner that protects the environment.
  • Identifying and mitigating the adverse impacts of our operations on the environment in keeping with good environmental and business practices.
  • Remaining sensitive to the concerns of the public.
  • Development of a site-specific eco-plan.
  • Responding to environmental emergencies in a prompt and efficient manner.
  • Committing enough resources to ensure that our employees are fully informed of their responsibilities and are trained to protect the environment while performing their duties.

Management, employees, and contractors are all committed to meeting these policies, now and in the future.