High River Flood Mitigation (Phase 2)

High River, Alberta, has implemented significant flood mitigation measures since the devastating floods of 2013, making it one of the most protected communities in Canada.

Proactive Solutions for Safer Communities

KLS completed necessary and complicated flood mitigation.


High River, Alberta




Underground, Recycling, Remediation, Trucking, Earthworks

The Challenge

The area surrounding the Women’s Coulee Dam in High River, Alberta, is susceptible to flooding due to its location in the Highwood River watershed. This region has experienced recurring significant floods, most notably the flood of 2013, which caused widespread damage. After the extreme damage, Foothills County needed to get the flooding under control.

The Solution

KLS installed +/- 5400 meters of 1500mm and 1350mm irrigation line, new cross drains, drain inlets, turnout hookups, a flow-through manhole, fish outfall, an inlet control building and an outlet control building.

In addition, KLS installed three cast-in-place structures and regraded 1000 meters of the existing canal between the new outfall structure and the Women’s Coulee Dam. Backfilling and regrading the canal required trucking over 120,000 m3 of common excavation, 20,000 m3 of import and 38,000 m3 of waste material. The project required team members from every division to help complete the work.

The Results

Since 2019, the area around High River, Alberta, has not experienced flooding at the scale of the devastating 2013 event. Thanks to extensive mitigation projects such as the High River Flood Mitigation at the Women’s Coulee Dam, potential millions of flood damage have been avoided, although residents and officials stay watchful.